Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Well, this last week has been a REAL organizing experience for me. So far we have been fairly blessed with many hand me downs (which I am not complaining, and am looking forward to more!) and some new clothes to add to Miss Madelyn's wardrobe! I have been playing with them here and there, looking at them SO intently, and imagining how wonderful she is going to look in each little outfit we have. But last week, this urge hit me. And just having them piled up in bags, was not doing any good for me. So I decided it was time to ORGANIZE and CLEAR OUT! The only problem, I don't have a dresser for her yet, and we don't have enough storage containers. So it had to start somewhere, and that place was going to be with Ethan's room! I made Allan grab me down the bins of clothes I had stored up in the Attic. Then I brought those out in the living room, along with all the bags of clothes that I have been browsing through. I cleaned out all the clothes in Ethan's dresser and closet that he just can't wear anymore. Then it was down to business. I sorted through EVERY box, picking out the things that I HAD to keep, and putting them in to bins by size, then putting everything I was going to be willing to part with in bags to hand down to someone else. By the time I was finished with Ethan's clothes, I had his bins down to two, one was for birth through a year, the other, a year through his current age. Then I FINALLY had bins to be able to separate out clothes for the little miss. I decided I was going going to keep out the newborn through 3 months, and put the rest up in the closet in the bins, as she grew. I started at 9 pm on a Thursday night, and worked hard on this project through 4 pm on Friday afternoon (that includes sleeping, eating, and playing with the kids!). I was EXHAUSTED by the end of the day, but I couldn't stop. Needless to say, all I need to do with the clothes now, (besides collect more!) is get her a dresser to decorate up, wash the clothes, and put them away appropriately. So my eyesore is not completely gone, but it's not as bad as it was!

I'm excited for the baby shower this weekend! I hope people come! I'm excited to post some pictures, and talk about all the wonderful blessings and games that will take place. I'm excited to share in this moment with all my friends and family! Plus the gifts and attention is always nice to have every one in a while! I won't lie!!! haha... And hopefully she gives me some time to get organized and put away before she decides to make her special appearance!

Keep an eye on the blog for more information to come!